As a non-profit human service organization, Ascentria Care Alliance offers programs and services that address the social determinants of health. Ascentria does not provide medical/clinical care services, but refers clients to medical/clinical care providers, when needed.
As one of the largest human service organizations in New England, Ascentria Care Alliance empowers people of all backgrounds to rise together and reach beyond life’s challenges. We are creating an innovative human-centered care model to help individuals and families in transition to move forward and thrive – physically, intellectually, socially, spiritually and economically. We put our faith in action, embracing the future and rising together to help vulnerable people in transition to thrive.
Our Mission
We are called to strengthen communities by empowering people to respond to life’s challenges.
Services include:
- Children and Family Services
- Good News Garage
- In-home care
- Language Bank
- Mental Health and Disability Services
- Services for New Americans
- Worchester Client Center
- Services for Older Adults