The Mission of Southern New Hampshire Services is to provide activities designed to assist low-income participants, including the elderly poor, to secure and retain meaningful employment, attain an adequate education, and make better use of available income; to ameliorate the causes of poverty within the community; to meet urgent and immediate individual and family needs, including health, nutrition, housing and employment-related assistance; and to address the problems and barriers which block the achievement of self-sufficiency.
- CHILD DEVELOPMENT: Child Development Programs, Women, Infants & Children (WIC), Early Head Start, Head Start, Child Care, Child Care Aware
- HOUSING: Senior Housing, Mary’s House, Robinson House
- ENERGY ASSISTANCE: Fuel Assistance Program, Electric Assistance Program, Weatherization Program
- HEALTH FOOD & NUTRITION: Commodity Supplemental Food Service Program, Summer Food Service Program, Food Pantry Sites, Child and Adult Care Food Program, Women, Infants & Children (WIC), Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP), Community Gardens
- WORKFORCE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA), Workplace Success, Financial Capability Program
- COMMUNITY SERVICES: English for New Americans (ENA), Portsmouth Adult Education Program, Personal Emergency Response System, Western Hillsborough Family Services, Rural Transportation, Long Term Disaster Recovery, Homelessness Prevention
- VOLUNTEER SERVICES: Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), Retired and Senior Volunteer Program Signature Programs