The Bureau of Housing Supports believe that housing ends homelessness. The vision is to end homelessness in NH through a collaborative approach to ensure that all experiencing homelessness obtain permanent housing and self-sufficiency.
The Bureau of Housing Supports provide contracts to the community to provide:
- Emergency Homeless Shelters
- Transitional Shelters
- Security deposit and first month’s rent assistance
- Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS
- Emergency Solutions Grant (Rapid Re-Housing and Prevention)
- Projects for Assistance in Transitioning from Homelessness (PATH Outreach)
- HUD Continuum of Care funded projects including Permanent Supportive Housing, Rapid Re-Housing, Coordinated Entry, and Homeless Management Information System
- Coming soon: Eviction Prevention, State funded rapid re-housing, Homeless Youth Outreach, Supportive Services to obtain Permanent Housing””
If you are experiencing a housing crisis, call NH 211, or contact your local city or town welfare office. To find your local office, go to the NH Municipal Association web site and choose “Municipal Directory” from the Resource menu. Contact your town or city welfare for information on Legal aid.
Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.