One Sky Community Services

One Sky Community Services is the initial point of contact for any individual requiring supports and services assistance within our service area in Rockingham County.

We determine eligibility for available funding, work with eligible individuals and their guardians to identify specific service needs, suggest a variety of possible service providers, help the individual and guardian decide which ones to select. We are the sole resource for their Medicaid needs, as well as providing monitoring on the quality of care throughout their tenure with One Sky Community Services.

  • Vocational services, residential supports, day activities, and money management programs
  • For those on the Autism Spectrum and/or with a disability that impacts behavior, we provide them with everything from initial assessment to direct therapies, school consults and parent training
  • Resources for children, from birth to three years, and their families that include developmental evaluations, therapeutic interventions, guidance, instruction, referral to community resources, and emotional support
  • Information and support to families that have a member with a developmental disability living with them, working directly and in partnership with other community organizations to provide the education, information and personalized supports needed
  • For seniors and adults with disabilities who need social and cognitive stimulation and require health monitoring during the day
  • Through their Service Coordinator, individuals and families can manage their own budget, hire their own workers, and plan daily living needs and social/recreational activities
  • Addressing the needs of families with children, from birth to age 21 years of age, with chronic health conditions, utilizing a family-centered approach