The mission of the Richie McFarland Children’s Center (RMCC) is to help young children reach their full developmental potential and to support their families through that process. We provide developmental and therapeutic services for children, offer support and education to their families and provide guidance in accessing community and health resources.
The three core programs are:
- Family-Centered Early Supports and Services for eligible children ages birth to three years
- Early Learning Groups for children ages two to four
- Pediatric Therapy Program for children birth to five
Services are delivered in family’s homes, at childcare centers, town libraries or other community settings, and at our center in Stratham. Each program offers comprehensive services for the child and support/education for the entire family. The clinical staff creates a team addressing the unique needs of each child and family to ensure positive outcomes for all involved. Interventions include speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, early childhood education and special education, service coordination and family support.
RMCC is open year-round.
Referrals for Early Supports and Services (entitled services for children birth to three) must be made through the area agency in Region 8, One Sky Community Services. Eligibility is based on a comprehensive developmental evaluation by a multi-disciplinary team that may include an early childhood special educator, occupational therapist, physical therapist, speech and language pathologist, early interventionist or family support person. If eligible, an IFSP (Individualized Family Support Plan) is created that outlines strategies and services in support of the identified desired outcomes.
Services are provided at no out-of-pocket cost to families and are reviewed regularly until a child turns three when we will guide families through the transition to another service system (e.g., private pediatric therapy services, private preschool, or special education). Other services (Early Learning Group and Pediatric Therapy) are directly available to families at their request and are not entitled, so there will be an out-of-pocket cost.