
A private, nonprofit, human service agency.

Waypoint works to empower people of all ages through an array of human services and advocacy. Waypoint services include the following: child abuse prevention, intervention and treatment; home-based family strengthening and support; runaway and homeless youth services; home care for older Americans and adults with disabilities; mental health counseling; transitional and independent living; adoption; foster care; early intervention for children with developmental concerns; birthparent counseling; support for families with children who have chronic health conditions; parent education; grand-family support and kinship navigators; family resource centers; and a child advocacy program that works at the legislative level to protect the best interests of children.

Logistics vary by program and region.

The Waypoint Family Support Warm Line, a free, call-in service where you can get parenting advice and support, is available:
Monday – Friday
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.